We’re dying here

not really, but Peter is sick. Which means that he wants held all the time, weaning is put on hold, and getting him to sleep in his ‘big boy’ bed sucks because no one is sleeping  is hard on all of us.

Jacob is coming back from his second day of drill. We still don’t have a leave date for basic (is God trying to give me ability to be patient?!), but Jacob was asked when he wanted to go, and he said October. Hopefully it will be October, and I’m putting it in God’s hands, because He knows what’s best for us and I can’t dream of things going better without Him.

Peter has been hanging out with his Godfather, James. He’s my youngest brother, and is starting his 3rd year of Seminary School. We dropped him off at the airport today as he’s leaving for World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain. ::color me jealous:: He also has a great opportunity to have a special Mass with the Pope!! It will be a Mass with just Seminarians! We gave him a Rosary for Peter to be blessed by the Pope! I’m very excited for him, please keep him in your prayers.

We are slowly, slowly, slowly unpacking. Peter’s room is unpacked, but cramped as he’s sharing the space with his cousin and storage. Our room still has totes all over, and I don’t think it’s going to get any better for a while, but at least it’s stacked along the walls!